Lets get to it!
So todays blog post is pretty personal. You're going to see a mess and some pretty cute kids and hear about some reality. As most of you may already know I am a stay at home mom. I have a 2 year old who is almost 3 already, oh my goodness where has time gone, and I have a 3 month old who is almost 4 months! They've grown up before my eyes already. I have the most amazing husband who sometimes gets on my very last nerves but lets be real don't they all? He works some of the longest hours to be able to support us and so that we have extra to do what we want to through out the day. Now this is where we get real... My daughter has been so fussy and sick lately. We found out that her earing got infected because of the metal we got them pierced it with and on top of that she got an ear infection in the same ear! She hasn't let us put her down at all. By no means am I complaining either, I just feel like some photographers don't get very personal with their followers and Id prefer that everyone knows I'm just a normal person who may look like they've got everything together but honestly I am the biggest wreck sometimes. My son is such a mommies boy and I love it but he doesn't really realize I only have two arms most days. I luckily get to do so many fun things with them during the week. Yesterday we went to our first movie and had a lunch date in the car while Paislee napped, which for some reason my children will only nap in the car! I don't know how many times a day I say "no" "Brayden can you please give Paislee a paci for mommy" "Meeko sit"
But today I realized a lot that during these silly little moments that they're doing something that normally gets on my last nerve, they're learning. They're learning how to be humans in the real world. I've been so wrapped up in being worried about money and my health that I've forgotten the whole reason I get to stay home with them. Now some of you may read this and think well duh she should have realized that awhile ago, but here is a little back ground as to what has been going on lately. I had a very rough and unhealthy pregnancy which really tested me as a mom and a wife. Andrew and I have had our fair share of newlywed fights. It is rough being newly married on its own, try adding 2 children into the mix. We just suffered a miscarriage that we are still trying to heal from and trying to raise to children and show them that we are fine and going to make it through this. This is where I get to some more realizations... I've always been a person who wants a perfectly clean house and everything in its place. Today I look at my kitchen and almost had a melt down but than I saw Brayden trying to use his play-do to make the letter A. The dishes can wait, the laundry can wait. I've let so many silly little moments pass me lately and I am determined to not let that happen anymore. I love being a mom more than anything in this world. Every little thing that they do, bad or good, always amazes me. I'm not going to let life pass me by anymore. I'm beyond blessed with the most amazing husband and children and dog. I need to remind myself every day to thank God for all he has given me in this life.

Brayden loves to take Paislee's temperature and brush her hair. He loves to help with her baths and changing her diaper. I think he is also ready for her to be "bigger, older" so he has someone to play with all the time.

This is her normal face after Brayden talks to her or touches her or try's to give her a toy. She loves her big brother so much that it melts my heart daily.

I would normally NEVER let play-do out of the play room. I'm so worried that it'll get in the carpet he'll get it in Meeko's hair. The play-do is currently still sitting on my table because I'd much rather be cuddled up on the couch watching Scooby do with him than cleaning up messes.

Oh my lovely sink that hasn't been touched since yesterday.

I am absolutely obsessed with our new dog! I had a husky as a child and have been begging Andrew for one for months! Finally, he caved!

My beyond beautiful ring! P.S that orange stuff is play-do which I have to take to get it cleaned out of it after nap time... If it happens today.
Moral of this whole post is that everything may look perfect and put together on the outside but most of the time its not. My children throw fits in stores, they beg and ask for things and I say no 100 times. Don't sweat the small stuff anymore.