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New Year Thoughts

Its that time of the year. Everyone’s posting resolution for the new year but we aren’t. Yeah I know that sounds so strange and doesn’t match the title! You’re probably thinking “Nicole what are you talking about?” We decide to make our resolutions this year for down the road. We decided to make choices and lifestyle changes this year that’ll help set us up for the next few years to come. So let’s get some backstory 

If you know my husband and I then you know that once our children are in the 20’s we’ll only be in our 40’s! That still really young and time goes by so quickly. We’ve started multiple savings for our children and ourselves. Andrew is switching careers in this new year that will set him up for the long run once he’s been there for the next few years while the kids grow up. We have been planning up to this for years and not even realizing it until a few weeks ago. I got a wild hair and thought you know I already work digitally and we would like to travel once our kids are gone. Why not work and travel so we can stay places for an extended period of time? 

I know now it may sound crazy but it’s not. Everyone wants to travel. Everyone wants to make money. Why not combine them? Why not start developing our online brands and businesses now? There are so many ways to start making money online now. What an amazing time we live in. Like I just said, once Andrew switches careers this year he will stay with this career for awhile which will set us up for a good “retirement” money. While our children grow we will be able to take multiple extended vacations and still be able to bring in some income while we’re there visiting because of this lifestyle change. 

I know I keep saying lifestyle change. You’re probably wondering what I mean by that. I mean getting rid of some physical possessions, start saving more money, learn about the different countries we would like to go visit and work from, learning how to work online, learning how to work online from different countries, learning how to create a completely location independent businesses and learning how to be a couple without our children. There is some thought behind all this “madness” I promise. Why not set ourselves up now and bust our butts on the side to achieve the life we want to be living and the things we want to be doing once our kids are gone? It makes perfect sense. I know once my kids are gone I want to be sitting somewhere that never gets below 70 degrees with a mojito or margarita, but I always want to have a constant income while I enjoy life in beautiful places. 

So, here’s to the new year. Here’s to lifestyle change in the next few years. Not only will I be blogging about our lifestyle changes and how easy or rough some of them are, but I’ll be blogging about the places we’re visiting and of course Photography! 

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