Cleaning Time!
So as many of you may know being a stay at home mom is rough and being a working mom is rough! Sometimes we feel like we never get anything done or our house is a train wreck. I know I used to feel like that everyday almost all day long. It started to be a little bit draining and completely consumed my thoughts especially if I was having guest over. It took away time with my children and i felt horrible. I started to feeling like they were suffering and my house had to suffer also. That’s not true. I had to take a step back and look at some ways to get things cleaned and a new routine down! I’m so happy i did.
I'm going to let you guys on a little insight on to how I keep my house clean all while keeping my family healthy. Everyone thinks to have a super clean house you have to use bleach and Clorox everywhere, which isn't always so healthy for your family. I have fallen in love with Mrs. Meyers and Seventh Generation Products. Oh my gosh, I have nothing buy amazing things to say about these products. (No this isn't a sponsored blog post either) I just really love these products and I feel so safe after doing tons of research about these products. The other amazing thing is some of these products can be used to do multiply things. Who doesn't love just knocking it all out.
Most mornings are pretty easy around here. Tuesday and Thursday are ,y days that are completely thrown off. Brayden has school for four hours those days, which means Paislee will fall asleep on the way home and ill be stuck in the car with a sleeping baby. Those days most of my cleaning gets done at night, which I have a love/hate relationship with. Most mornings I wake up when the kids wake up, sorry I'm not a morning person at all. Most moms don't want to be either, I'm just actually doing it. I'll get up and feed the little ones and while they are eating ill get the dishes from the night before put away. Once they're done and go to play I clean the table and high chair. I spend most of my time doing laundry honestly. I've realized if you do little tasks throughout the day you don't actually have to clean a lot. My big secret, and some people honestly already do this is.... Drum roll please.... When you're doing something in a room knock a cleaning task out also. So what I mean by this is like when you use the bathroom grab a paper towel or whatever you use to clean with and spray the counter and sink and wipe it down. I also keep a toilet brush in each bathroom because I have realized if its there I will most likely do a quick scrub after I've used the restroom. It's a lot easier than running back and forth between bathrooms. I keep cleaning supplies in each room also and a caddy with cleaning supplies under either my kitchen sink or bathroom sink. That way I can do quick cleaning through out the day while my kids are playing. I know that my children normally play and are pretty entertained right after breakfast and before bed so I "speed" clean. I love my power hours throughout the day.
I've started using some of the most amazing products. Not only are they so safe but they make everything smell amazing! The holiday scents have to be my favorite! I've learned over the past 2 years of being a home owner that you have to love to products you're using. If you don't cleaning is going to be so miserable. You're paying so much money for this house to be your pride and join you want it to be spotless.
I will also say the best investment I have ever made was my vacuum. I know it sounds silly, but I would much rather have a vacuum that works wonders and makes cleaning go by so quickly than one that takes forever that I have to keep stopping to clean out. Now yes, its a splurge but its the best one I have ever made.
**Some of these links are affiliate links and wouldn't recommend something if I didn't completely love it!