Christmas Time!
I can’t believe how far behind I am with my blog posts! It’s even harder to believe that Christmas is already over. We had such a busy holiday season this year but it was so much fun. I love this season of our lives. Everything is so joyful and fun! Oh and it was Paislee’s first Christmas. How fun is that?
Our Chrismas started on Saturday, Christmas Eve’s eve. We went and did a early Christmas at my parents because the kids each got one huge present and with my dads neck surgery we couldn’t carry them to my sisters. Brayden got a huge train table, which took Andrew and uncle Clay forever to put together! Paislee got an amazing car seat with tons of car seat toys. Sunday, which was Christmas Eve, we went to church at LifePoint and spent more time with our family. Once we got the little ones to sleep we got down to business! We managed to stay in our budget this year too. Which, as most of you know, is actually so hard to do. I’m a last minute shopper and as I was looking at our tree I realized there was what felt nothing so I ran to CVS which was the ONLY store open. I managed to find Brayden one last big gift and Paislee 2 more stocking stuffers. Anything that had to do with Christmas was on sale for 75% off!
So down to what everyone probably wants to know, how did we stay in budget. We managed to get all of our shopping done in the same evening and spent under $200 for everyone! I went and spent the day with Brayden out window shopping. When he saw something he liked I wrote it down and made sure I wrote down the price. Paislee is still way to little for this but Santa still visited her. We get the kids 2 big gifts and the one smaller one is from Santa. Brayden got a v-tech camera, a flying Spider-Man drone and a Nerf Zombie Strike from Mommy and Daddy. Santa got him a tub full of sharks and other sea creatures and monsters feet that he can strap to his shoes and walk around with. He also got a stocking full of little things from 5 Below that he’s been eyeing this year, target dollar spot items, and nerf gun accessories. He is so stinking cute with the camera! He may listen to me a little bit to much because he got a v-tech Laptop from Andrews grandma and he would take photos than sit down at the laptop and type to clients! I couldn’t help but laugh. I’m thinking about doing a blog post of the photos he’s taken? Any thoughts on that? Back to what everyone got and how we stayed in budget. Paislee got a fisher price drum and a whole bath time set. We bought her a activity walker but little miss started walking months before Christmas, yes she is only 10 months and completely walking. My little over achiever. She also got a few new hard cover books and a stuffed animal from Santa. Did I mention they have 3 foot stockings that I have to figure out how to stuff each year?!
I did almost all of my shopping on Amazon, in Target, one trip into ToysRUs and 5 Below. Oh and my midnight run to CVS.
This has been one that Brayden and Andrew have been able to enjoy together!
I never thought I'd have a son into all the Nerf things but apparently its bound to happen.
Now Andrew and I do things a little differently. We like to focus on the children for Christmas. Christmas day involves 3 different house each year and we don't have much time at our house in the morning. So for that reason we do each others gifts a few days to a week before Christmas. This was our first Christmas as a married couple! We may have gone a little bit over the top but were smart about it. If that makes any sense! So, as many of you know Andrew is joining the police department this year and he has been eyeing a new handgun. Now me being me, I have been completely against it because out children are so young and the only way I would let him have one is if it was locked away and no one but his self was able to get to it. Well apparently he was determined... So I caved. Andrew also got a Google Home Mini which we ended up returning because we got the Amazon Echo... Side note, this thing is a life saver! If you don't have one I would really suggest getting one. I am the worst when it comes to technology but its so simple to use and its SO handy. I can ask her to remind me of something and not only does she say it but she sends it to my phone! But back to Christmas gifts and budgets! Andrew got me a new Ipad! It works wonders for my business and being able to take something with me to meet clients has been such a game changer!
Honestly staying in our budget this year was not as hard as I thought it would be. It does help that our children are still young. Once they're older budgeting may get a little harder but there will be ways to adapt and overcome! We crafted a lot of gifts and that cut the cost down by a lot! I've also realized that cooking stuff or even getting photos printed is an easy and amazing gift that everyone will love!
I am always so excited when Christmas rolls around. Ever since I was a child it has always been my favorite holiday but now that I have children I love it even more. We have created so many new family traditions! What are some traditions you guys have?