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What tools are there for planning out your social media content?

This is a question I found myself asking a lot in my first year of business! I did tons, and I mean TONS, of research and found a few awesome tools and ways to help yourself stay on top of your social media content! You may feel so overwhelmed by all the ideas you have for your business and all the content you would like to create. I completely understand how you feel. We have all been there, I promise. I've taken the work out of it for you and made a simple and easy list of thing tools and tips that I use to stay on top of all the content I have coming out. Here is a little insight... I have my social media content and blog posts planned out will March 30th! So, grab some coffee, a sweet snack and something to take notes on!

So my first tip for anyone just starting out is to have a ton of content. That can mean photos, flat lays or even quotes. What I did was when I was first starting I took a few close and trusted friends to different locations and shot tons of portraits of them in different outfits. I even got a few couples to join in the mix of things. That way I was constantly posting things on social media that made it look like I was always working! Don't be afraid to post personal photos either. People LOVE to see the personal side of your life. It doesn't have to be all business.

You may be wondering how I kept all of those photos and ideas sorted out. I have what's called a content calendar and a note book. I write down on my calendar what blog post is going to be posted on my blog and at what time its going up. I write in my notes what social media platform I want to share it on and at what times. Then, I use a app called Planoly, which I'll get to in a moment, to schedule what time and what images is going onto Instagram. You're also able to use your Facebook account and plan out your post to match your other content.

Planoly is an amazing app! It cant post to Instagram for you but you can schedule out months on content and it will give you a notification what its time to post it! From there it's 3 easy clicks and your content is up on Instagram! So simple and easy, in my opinion.

Honestly my best advice for you would be to find out what works best for you. If you're the kind of person who remembers and can sort out thoughts by writing them down, then keep a content calendar and note book handy at all times. If you can add stuff to your phone and notes in your phone, then do that. Me personally, I have to physically write things but I also add them into my phone so I always have them available. I love the products I have been using to keep myself and my business organized. What tool and tips do you guys have?

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