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Get to know me!

Hey guys, I have never done a introduction blog before or any sort of introduction and any of my social media! I've been doing this for a year too so its so surprising. So, lets dive into it!

My family

Obviously you all know my name is Nicole. I was born and raised in southern Florida and moved to Virginia when I was 14. It was such a big change and kind of even a culture shock. Everyone and everything is so different up here. As most other teenagers, I wasn't the best kid. I don't think I can apologize to my parents enough, especially since I have my own little ones now. As most of you may know I have a 3, almost 4, year old little man named Brayden William and a 10, almost 11, month old little woman named Paislee Mae. They are my heart and soul, the whole reason I do what I do. I am married to a LEO, law enforcement officer.

Some random facts about me...

- I hate light soda. Most of the time I hate soda.

- Any form of teal is my favorite color.

- I never drink coffee I make at home. I have spent way, WAY, to much money at Starbucks. Oh, and I just found out, about 3 months ago, that they have an app that you can get free stuff from!

- I am always wearing a ankle bracelet from the beach.

- You will almost never see me in photos. I hate taking pictures. Funny huh, its what I do for a living.

- And, I love cleaning. Like actually really love to clean. If my house is a mess and things aren't cleaned and put away I am a complete wreck!

Tell me some super fun facts about yourselves!

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