Business owning mommy!
It's something so easy to say and we make it look so great on social media but it's downright hard isn't it ladies? Being a working mom is a hard thing and being a small business owner is a hard thing. The 2 together is just downright tough and draining. Oh, and lets add in the fact that we have little lives to take care of no matter what our working position is. There are some of us who are beyond blessed to be able to own our own business or work from home. We love spending time with these beautiful little people we created but lets get real for a moment. Its rough! Beyond rough some times. We have to have everything planned out weeks in advance just incase anything happens and if we don't we are swamped. We have early mornings and late nights. Lets not get started about trying to get work done. It's like the second we sit down to start typing up a sales pitch or a blog post they know!
But what I've realized is that its ok to say its rough and beyond hard. It's ok to let things on social media look how they really are. For the longest time I wanted my life to look perfect on social media so I would be able to book my ideal client. I thought that if I let people see my mess no one would want to book me. Reality is, people love seeing other peoples mess. Honestly, it was more draining than making sure my business was running properly. Its so hard to tell the reality of things when everything looks so perfect and polished on social media. We as moms, as people, catch ourselves comparing ourselves to others. We end up feeling less than ourselves or like our lives are a mess. So I believe that we should always share a little bit of our reality on social media. I believe that it will empower other business woman and moms to love their mess.
(As I'm trying to type blog post out, this one to be exact, my son and my husband were playing with their Nerf guns... Brayden is potty training, so he's always naked, well Andrews aim was completely off and he shot the toddler in the peepee. Melt down central here! Oh and Paislee had to add to the crying because she was hurt by association)

I often caught myself focusing on one more than the other. I would find myself completely consumed in my work with my face buried in my phone some days. It felt horrible at the end of the day. I never felt fulfilled and it was horrible. I have sworn that I will only plan blog posts after they go to sleep. Monday night and Thursday nights are my content night. I plan out all of my blog post and schedule all of my social media content. I gotten in the pattern of waking up a hour before my children and getting other stuff done, schedule my emails and answer emails. I obviously will get other things done in the morning and night because guess what... If things don't get scheduled out for that day then they just get typed up at nap time and published. That's what its so important to have your content planned out and a way to schedule it! Go check out my blog post on the tools I use to plan out my content and stay ahead of the game! Spend a hour on the nights you want to work and you'll be amazed at how much you get done!
Moral of this blog post is that it's ok to be human. Being a mom and a working woman is hard... Raising humans is harder but the most fulfilling job you could ever have!